Tout d'abord quelques liens :
- xboxgameworld.com
- Trailer de SSX 4
- Forum SSX 4 (jeuxvideo.com)
- Une interview de Steve Anthony ...
- Un article sur Amped 3 ...
- Le topic sur le forum Newschoolers
Voici maintenant le texte qui devrait faire la différence. Info ou intox, ce n'est pas encore ultra officiel, enfin le voici non traduit :
Allright all you little monkeys...here is the stright dope on SSX on tour.
The producers of the game have actually been on this site and read a bunch of reviews, and have brought Anthony Boronowski into their office in BC and he is working with the animators to make everything look better. They have taken the Kosak out of the game as well as the daffy, and they are currently replacing all those weak grabs with steezed out ones courtesy of Ant. These guys honestly do care and are working hard to make the game right for you. The only other news I have is that new screen shots with the new grabs will be out soon, and that the game will be available before x-mas next year. Also Ninthward does not have their own game coming out. Ninthward, Line, K2, Armada, 4frnt and Dynastar all donated ski graphics to the game, and that is the only way ninthward is invovled, along with the rest of us.
Until next time thats all I got
Et voici les quelques photos trouvées sur le net :
inscrit le 31/1/01
1214 messages