
inscrit le 24/09/04
2 messages
First my french is very very bad ..I am sorry!

Je voudrais des ski freeride B2/im75...50:50 piste/mountagne

Jai 1.79cm et 70kg

Je ne pas une expert...je suis `intermediate' mais j`ai en france pour 12 semaines (2004/2005) pour ski et `ice climbing'.

S'il vous plait...Quelle ski?...1.70m? 1.75m? 1.80m? Je ne sais pas.

Merci beaucoup x
jean claude duss
jean claude duss

inscrit le 01/06/04
366 messages
Ton francais n'est pas si mal.
Moi je te conseil les B2 en 180, mais ecoute plutot les conseils des autres, ils sont vraiment fort !!

inscrit le 21/09/04
276 messages
I have a bad write english sorry,
i'm think u have to take a 170 ski for more polyvalence and for continu to learn on pist and off pist and if u stay 12 week in a ski resort, wait and try different models, and if u go to work with a Tour Operator in a chalet, your company certainly have a contact with a skishop where u can test your skis before bye! ouf!!

inscrit le 24/09/04
2 messages
Je ne travaille pas a` une chalet..trop vieux.. j'ai toute les jours pour l'alpinisme et ski (parceque me dans Kosovo travaille maintenant).

donc...170 ou 180 ..c'est difficle..

inscrit le 04/09/04
15 messages
I think U better chose 170 for polyvalent skis. At the minimum 10cm behind your height is the best? Well, that's only my opinion. For the skis you better contact travel agency and they'll tell U the best skishop in he place U'll stay. And test it before buying them.
I think that's it
See ya

inscrit le 17/10/03
100 messages
I think if you take skis of 170cm, it won't be easy in freeride with your height. As your level is intermediate, you'd better take skis of 180cm, with B2 it would be easy to ride!!;-)

inscrit le 29/01/04
639 messages
Your english is very good, I think you have better to go to a shop around you will be in France and you ask the seller to help you, but I think 1m75 or 1m80 is good, I know that now it is better to have a ski smaller than us but is think when you wrote: "moutagne"; you thought freeride,or no.okay but take skis smaller or the same height than you.
Good trip in France and enjoy.(How did you meet skipass,and where do you come from????)

inscrit le 24/09/04
2 messages
Merci x
I guess I will have to try both sizes and speak to a ski shop.

oh ..I found out about skipass when ice climbing last season in the alps. Im from London but trying to save enough money to move to the alps :)...and learn french!
skipass.com [Modo]
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