
inscrit le 5/1/17
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I live in Geneva so plan to go skiing a lot this year. I went three times last year and got to the point where i was mostly comfortable on blue runs. Typically fell once or twice a run but wasn't comfortable going very fast.

My boyfriend purchased skis for me which I believe are too advanced:

Would these be dangerous for me to start on this year? I'm worried they'll make me go faster than i'm comfortable with ..


inscrit le 19/1/15
66 messages
Hi there,

If you're a beginner, you can pretty much be skiing with any pair (well, except from extreme cases) without much trouble, controlling speed is mainly a result from your ability to carve well and restrain yourself accelerating inbetween.

From the skimag' description, the ones you got are pretty light so don't worry about getting particularly fast because of them. It also depends a bit on your height, if you're about 5-10cm taller than your skis it's all good.

Then, if you're going to use them a lot, you'll get more and more comfortable at managing speed and those skis will be great for you to improve.
Statut : Confirmé
inscrit le 26/2/08
7625 messages
Stations : 2 avisMatos : 3 avis
Beginnerskier711 ( 5 janv. 2017) disait:

Would these be dangerous for me to start on this year? I'm worried they'll make me go faster than i'm comfortable with ..

Don't worry, these are intermediates ladies models and will work fine from beginners to intermediate levels.

By the way, *you* control the speed, the skis can't do it for you.
Take a couple of lessons, your confidence in you and your skis will increase significantly.
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Statut : Confirmé
inscrit le 1/2/01
137K messages
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