Not A French dude
Not A French dude

inscrit le 12/9/16
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Hey guys, sorry but I don't really speak French. I just live in France. ;D.I want to buy Salomon Q lab. I would like to ask someone who has Salomon Q lab 190cm, what's the actual lenght of the skis because I read that the actual lenght is only 187.2cm, almost 3cm shorter ?
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inscrit le 2/1/10
1753 messages
Stations : 1 avisMatos : 1 avis

Is that absolutely essential to you to have 190 instead of 187cm?

I have the 2016 Q115 in 188cm length that's perfect for my level (pretty good on piste but not expert off piste and in powder yet, particularly in forest).
I can't help you for the QLab, but i think this is the most versatile model of the Quest series for an all-mountain experience. But certainly the most physical too !
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inscrit le 1/2/01
137K messages
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