
inscrit le 5/2/03
1214 messages
je vais à Whistler du 27 fevrier au 8 mars, pour le spring break US,
connaissez vous des logements "cheap" genre auberge etc...?



inscrit le 29/10/02
145 messages
cheap à Whistler.... ils ont rayé ce mot de leur dictionnaire depuis longtemps, bonne chance quand même

inscrit le 5/2/03
1214 messages
c'est bien là le problème
je dois loger chez une amie, mais bon, si son gars est pas content, faudra que j'aille dormir dehors...
Merlette Freerider
Merlette Freerider

inscrit le 28/12/03
328 messages
Si son gars est pas content, c lui qu'elle devrait jeter

inscrit le 8/4/03
136 messages
Il existe une auberge de jeunesse à Whistler. Mais pas à coté des téléski, il faut prendre un bus (l'arrêt est à proximité d'après mes info).



inscrit le 5/2/03
1214 messages
super Billeviking,
merci beaucoup...
cheeky frenchie
cheeky frenchie

inscrit le 4/7/03
142 messages

je me suis pas mal renseigne pour aller faire un petit sejour cet hiver (je me fais un peu chier dans mon Outauais par -40). Pour Whistler ce que j'ai trouve de mieux est a environ 1300 dollars canadiens tout compris avec le billet d'avion, mais ca part du Canada. Reduction a 990 dollars pour avril. T ou, US ou Canada ?

cheeky frenchie
cheeky frenchie

inscrit le 4/7/03
142 messages
Sinon les meilleurs packages HI sont sur http://www.hihostels.ca/region/bc/winterpackages/skiandride.html

inscrit le 5/2/03
1214 messages
merci Cheeky Frenchie,
je suis aux US, à Chicago
donc je pars de là bas.

crois tu que les packages valent le coup?ne vaut-il mieux pas organiser soi meme?


PS : tu y va quand au fait?


inscrit le 11/1/04
9 messages
francais exilé à Montréal, je cherchais à partir à Whistler pour qques jours. Après enquete, c'est clair que l'auberge de jeunesse est la solution idéale. je viens de recevoir un e mail de leur part. Je vous le met en copie, vous trouverez toutes les solutions pour s'y rendre, les tarifs etc...Perso je pars Samedi pour là bas pour 8 jours.

inscrit le 11/1/04
9 messages
voilà les indications :
Sorry the train is no longer running to Whistler. Check out the information
sheet that I have at the bottom on how to get to Whistler. The hostel is on
a city bus route...it comes 5 times a day on ski times (also this is
inlcuded on our information sheet). As for staying at our hostel our maximum
stay is 7 nights at at this moment I haev space in our male dorm starting 18
January for 6 nights and after that we are fully booked. If you are
interested in booking during that time I suggest making a reservation as
soon as possible through our secure on-line booking system at www.hihostels.ca or calling us during our office hours: 7-11am, and 4-10pm.
Please call 604-932-5492. Please have a Visa or Mastercard handy as the
number is needed to guarantee your booking. We look forward to hearing from
you soon. I have also included our information sheet.


Front Desk Staff

Hostelling International's Whistler Hostel

On the shore of Alta Lake, only 10 minutes from Whistler Village, this
former fishing lodge is one of the most beautiful hostels in Canada.
Whistler's excellent outdoor recreational facilities include world class
alpine and cross country skiing trails, hiking trails, tennis and golf
facilities, mountain biking trails, great lakes for windsurfing and other
water sports, and much more.

Facilities at the Whistler Hostel include a lounge with a wood burning
stove, piano, and a view that will take your breath away. The hostel also
has ski-waxing facilities, a pool table, and sauna. There are 7 dormitory
rooms with four beds per room, and one private room that sleeps a minimum of
2, or a maximum of 4 people. The kitchen has everything you need except the
food. We have bikes for rent in the summer, and use of the canoes is free
for our guests.


Getting to our hostel from Vancouver:

The hostel is located on the West Side of Alta Lake near Whistler Village.

By Automobile: If driving from Vancouver on Highway 99, turn left on Alta
Lake Road once you have entered Whistler, but before you reach the Whistler
Mountain Creek ski lifts. There is a sign on the highway that says "Alta
Lake West Side" where you need to turn off the highway on your left. Follow
Alta Lake Road 4.8 km from the highway. You will go over a speed bump, and
500m further is the hostel on the right-hand side of the road (5678 Alta
Lake Road). For a map of Alta Lake Road, visit our website at www.hihostels.ca, or for maps of Seattle/Vancouver to Whistler, see www.whistler-blackcomb.com - click on "Getting Here" and "Maps and

Greyhound Bus: Greyhound operates buses several times a day from Pacific
Central Station at Main St. and Terminal Ave. in Vancouver. For information
on bus schedules, please call Greyhound at 1-800-661-8747, or visit their
website at www.greyhound.ca. The schedule changes twice a year for the busy
winter season. The bus will drop you off in Whistler Village, and you will
then need to make your way out to the hostel (see "Getting to our hostel
from Whistler Village").

Bigfoot Shuttle: In the winter months, you can take the Bigfoot Shuttle
which travels between Vancouver (with pick-ups at most hostels) and drops
you off at HI Whistler. Updated schedules and prices at www.bigfoottours.com - click on "Whistler".

Getting to our hostel from Whistler Village:

By Foot: Find the Valley Trail (behind the Royal Bank under the highway's
underpass) and follow the trail 4 km to Rainbow Park. We are 5 minutes
further south of the park by road. It takes about 45 minutes to walk to the

By local bus: The bus from Whistler Village to HI Whistler costs $1.50
each way, and you will need exact change. The ride is approximately 15-20
minutes. The bus to the hostel departs from the Gondola Transit Exchange at
the base of Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains at Bay 2. The bus will have
either "Rainbow Park" or "Tamarisk" listed on the front. These buses also
make a stop at the bus stop shelter across the street (Village Gate
Boulevard) from the Greyhound bus loop. There are ski racks on the side of
the bus, and snowboards are allowed inside the bus. Schedules are listed
below, and are subject to changes, so please call the hostel staff before
your arrival to double-check the times.

Winter Months (approximately late November - mid April): The local bus
travels five times daily from Whistler Village to the Hostel, and back to
Whistler Village. It departs the hostel for the Village at 7:55am, 10:55am,
4:15pm, 6:15pm and 10:20pm. It departs the village for the hostel at
10:40am, 4:00pm, 6:00pm, and 10:05pm.

Summer Months (approximately mid April - late November): The bus departs
the hostel for the Village at 9:30am, 11:10am, 1:45pm, and 6:15pm. From the
village back to the hostel, the Rainbow Park bus departs at 10:55am and
6:00pm. You can also catch the Tamarisk bus at 9:20am and 1:25pm and
transfer at Tamarisk onto the Rainbow Park bus. Make sure you get a paper
transfer on the Tamarisk bus when you pay.

Taxi: There is a taxi loop beside the Greyhound bus loop in Whistler
Village. It costs approximately $17 to the hostel. Make sure you tell them
you are going to the hostel on Alta Lake Road.


2003 Dorm rates: $24.00 for members and $28.28 for non-members in the
winter season (December - April)

$19.95 for members and $24.28 for non-members in the summer
season (May - November)

2003 Private Room rates: $63.80 for two members and $73.22 for two
non-members. (May-November) Additional charges apply for additional people
in the private room.

The private room has one double bed and two single beds, and sleeps a
minimum of 2, and a maximum of 4.

We do not allow the use of sleeping bags in our hostel, so if you bring one
you will be required to check it in at the front desk before you are allowed
into your dormitory.

To book a bed or room, you need a Visa or MasterCard number to hold the
booking, and you can cancel up to 48 hours ahead without a charge. Try our
secure online site to book, www.hihostels.ca. In the winter you need to
book well in advance, in the summer usually a week or two ahead is
sufficient. We only have one private room, so this needs to be reserved 2
or more months in advance in the busy season. Our cancellation policy
requires 48 hours notice to cancel your reservation without charges made to
your credit card.


Whistler/Blackcomb is home of the largest ski area and the two greatest
vertical rise ski mountains on the continent. With more than 200 marked
trails, 12 massive alpine bowls and 3 glaciers, it's no wonder
Whistler/Blackcomb has been listed as North America's Best Ski Resort in
several ski magazines. More information on the mountain is available at www.whistler-blackcomb.com. Whistler/Blackcomb Mountains traditionally
start their season in the last week of November and end the regular season
the first week of June. Then Blackcomb Glacier is open for the summer ski
season until the first week of August.

Unfortunately, we will not be offering discounted lift passes at the hostel
for the 2003/2004 season. Discount lift passes can be purchased at HI
Vancouver Downtown Hostel (1114 Burnaby Street; 1-888-203-4302) and HI
Vancouver Central Hostel (1025 Granville Street; 1-888-203-8333). Prices
this year are $61+tax.

Hostelling International Whistler
5678 Alta Lake Road
Whistler, BC
V0N 1B5
Phone: (604) 932-5492

Secured online reservations available at our website www.hihostels.ca.

Cancellation charges apply to reservations cancelled
within 48 hours of the check-in date.

Office hours are 7-11am, and 4-10pm. If you will be arriving after 10pm,
please notify our staff.

Merlette Freerider
Merlette Freerider

inscrit le 28/12/03
328 messages
Micheline parle pas francais et/ou copie colle sa doc commerciale?

inscrit le 31/10/03
128 messages
tu fait quoi a chicago?

inscrit le 5/2/03
1214 messages
je fais un MBA et toi tu es ou aux states

inscrit le 11/1/04
9 messages
honnêtement je pense que les 2 raisons évoquées sont valables, mais cela ne devrait pas poser de pbl pour la compréhension....... En tout cas des infos précises ce qui est plutot cool
cheeky frenchie
cheeky frenchie

inscrit le 4/7/03
142 messages
JDLB: je pars vers le 15 fevrier, jusqu au 22 environ.
Frachement je sais pas quelle est la meilleure formule, mais les packages sont souvent super interessants. C'est souvent les forfaits qui plombent la note.

Sinon je suis alle dans un ski show a ottawa j'ai eu pas mal de doc pour les rocheuses, je peux vous envoyer les prix des differents packages (hors HI) si ca vous interesse.


inscrit le 28/10/03
51 messages
Question conne, JD:
tu dis que tu pars pour Spring Break du 27 fevrier au 8 mars? Le printemps arrive super vite en Illinois/Michigan apparemment... je pensais que le break etait pas avant fin mars, enfin, c`est ce qui se fait au MA en tout cas.
2eme question conne:
T`as des vacances pour Spring Break meme en tant que MBA? C`est quoi ta fac, que je m`y transfere illico?

inscrit le 5/2/03
1214 messages
chère Camchou transfère tt de suite paske j'ai bien des vacances pour un spring break fin février (moi aussi j'ai été surpris par la date...)

je sais ils sont bizarres dans le MI mais bon, le viel hiver ça leur casse le moral donc ils veulent partir tot au soleil, mais pas moi

sinon, je suis à GVSU : grand valley state university (gvsu.edu)

cheers mate

and good luck for your grad


inscrit le 28/10/03
51 messages
Ouais, en fait je crois que je vais rester a UMASS. Certes on a du -40 degres C en ce moment, mais au moins, on peut aller skier de nuit apres le boulot, les petites pistes ne sont qu`a 30mn de route!

inscrit le 5/2/03
1214 messages
dammit !!!
en tous cas tu as bien de la chance;
nous on se contente d'une piste qui relève plus du cross-country que de l'alpine skiing mais bon c'est à 15 minutes...



cheeky frenchie
cheeky frenchie

inscrit le 4/7/03
142 messages
Y a des plans packages tout compris avec le vol sur www.skican.ca pour ceux que ca interesse. Vous pouvez aussi aller sur le site pour des infos sur les differentes stations, c'est assez interessant.

inscrit le 5/2/03
1214 messages
j'ai moi aussi trouvé cette brochure samedi dans un shop a coté de chez moi

merci encore

cheeky frenchie
cheeky frenchie

inscrit le 4/7/03
142 messages
Ok, apres moultes longues hesitations j'ai choisi, ce sera une semaine a Whitewater / Red Mountain du 16 au 22 fevrier. Pour ceux que ca interesse... Pas tres connu mais justement c'est ca le secret !

Choix decide en fonction du budget (et surtout d'un plan squat gratos chez des locaux canadiens fou de backcountry).

See u there ?


inscrit le 25/9/99
81 messages
pour moi cheeky frenchy ce sera quinze jour a lamoura, la classe !!! non je devria partir une semaine en slovaquie et une semine dans la tyrol, a chacun son continent ;-)
cheeky frenchie
cheeky frenchie

inscrit le 4/7/03
142 messages
Yo bibi,

t'y vas quand en slovaquie ? J'ai toujours ma semaine grimpe de prevue dans le Tatras, fin Mai (30/05 au 12/06) en principe.
Si les dates correspondent...

See u.

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